Komatsuzaki Group, Hokkaido University

Presentations (international)

小松崎 民樹 先生が講演いたしました。Tamiki Komatsuzaki:”Phase Space Geometrical Aspects in Condensed Phase Reactions”,Geometry of Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gas and Condensed Phases ,Telluride Intermediate School(Jun. 10, 2013-Jun. 14, 2013), Telluride, CO., US(Oral)
永幡さんが講演いたしました。Yutaka Nagahata, Hiroshi Teramoto, Chun-Biu Li, Shinnosuke Kawai, Tamiki Komatsuzaki:”Reactivity Boundaries to Separate the Fate of a Chemical Reaction Associated with Multiple Saddles”,Geometry of Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gas and Condensed Phases ,Telluride Intermediate School(Jun. 10, 2013-Jun. 14, 2013), Telluride, CO., US(Oral)
寺本 央 先生が講演いたしました。Hiroshi Teramoto:”Breakdown of Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Manifolds, its Consequences and Quantum Manifestation”,Geometry of Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gas and Condensed Phases ,Telluride Intermediate School(Jun. 10, 2013-Jun. 14, 2013), Telluride, CO., US(Oral)
寺本 央 先生が講演いたしました。Hiroshi Teramoto:”Detecting and analyzing methods of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds”,XXXⅢ Dynamics Days Europe-Madrid 2013,0(Jun. 3, 2013-Jun. 7, 2013), Madrid, Spain(invited, Oral)
河合 信之輔 先生が講演いたしました。”Shinnosuke Kawai, David Cooper, Christy Landes, Henning D. Mootz, Haw Yang, Tamiki Komatsuzaki:”Unbiased estimation of physical properties in noisy experimental data”,IMS Workshop on “Hierarchical Molecular Dynamics: From Ultrafast Spectroscopy to Single Molecule Measurements” ,NINS Okazaki Conference Center(May. 25, 2013-May. 26, 2013), Okazaki, Aichi, Japan(Poster)”
小松崎 民樹先生が講演いたしました。”Tamiki Komatsuzaki:””A microscopic ruler tells us the underlying networks in single molecule measurements””,Nanoscale Science Seminars 2013:A Microscopic ruler tells us the underlying networks in single molecule measurements ,Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany(invited, Oral)”
寺本 央先生が講演いたしました。Hiroshi Teramoto:”Detecting and analyzing methods of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds”,Illuminating 2013: Dynamical Perspectives on Molecular Processes,Loughborough University(May. 8, 2013-May. 10, 2013), Loughborough, Leicestershir, UK(invited, Oral)
小松崎 民樹 先生が講演いたしました。Tamiki Komatsuzaki:”Toward Deciphering Molecular Individuality in Systems Biology”,French‐Japanese Seminar on “Bioinspired Methods and Applications”,Embassy of France, Tokyo and LIMMS, Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo University(Feb. 4, 2013-Feb. 6, 2013), Embassy of France, Tokyo and LIMMS, Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo University, Japan(invited, Oral)
小松崎 民樹先生が講演いたしました。”Chun Biu Li, Tamiki Komatsuzaki:”Toward deciphering molecular individuality in systems biology”,Gordon Conference on Stochastic Physics in Biology: Foundations and Current Trends,Four Points Sheraton / Holiday Inn Express(Jan. 13, 2013-Jan. 18, 2013), Ventura, CA, US(Poster)”