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居室 電子科学研究所 (北キャンパス)5階103-1 |
- (化学反応や蛋白質の構造転移などの)状態変化における「偶然と必然」に関する基本原理
- 1分子時系列情報に立脚したトップダウン的構成論とボトムアップ的還元論を橋渡しする新しい生命システム解析理論の創出
- 隷属原理を越えた階層間の情報伝達と機能
- 複雑分子系における適応、頑健性および創発
- Akinori Baba and Tamiki Komatsuzaki ‘Extracting the Underlying Effective Free Energy Landscape From Single-Molecule Time Series — Local Equilibrium States and their Network’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (4), 1395 – 1406 (2011).
- Shinnosuke Kawai and Tamiki Komatsuzaki, “Derivation of the Generalized Langevin Equation in Non-stationary environments” Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 114523 (2011)[12 pages].
- Hiroshi Teramoto, Mikito Toda, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, “A Dynamical Switching of a Reaction Coordinate to Carry the System Through to a Different Product State at High Energies” Physical Review Letters 106, 054101 (2011) [4 pages]
- Shinnosuke Kawai and Tamiki Komatsuzaki ‘Quantum Reaction Boundary to Mediate Reactions in Laser Fields’ Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 024317 [13 pages] (2011).
- C. B. Li and T. Komatsuzaki : Extracting the Underlying Unique Reaction Scheme from a Single-Molecule Time Series in Cell Signaling Reactions: Single-Molecular Kinetic Analysis (Springer) ISBN: 978-90-481-9863-4(2011)(invited)
- (Book)“Advancing Theory for Kinetics and Dynamics of Complex, Many-Dimensional Systems: Clusters and Proteins” Advances in Chemical Physics, ed. by T. Komatsuzaki, R. S. Berry, D.M. Leitner, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2011).
- (Book) “Single Molecule Biophysics: Experiments and Theories” Advances in Chemical Physics, ed. by T. Komatsuzaki, S. Takahashi, M. Kawakami, Haw Yang and Robert Silbey, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2011)
- Shinnosuke Kawai and Tamiki Komatsuzaki ‘Robust existence of a reaction boundary to separate the fate of a chemical reaction’ Physical Review Letters 105, 048304 (2010).
- Shinnosuke Kawai and Tamiki Komatsuzaki : ‘Dynamic pathways to mediate reactions buried in thermal fluctuations. I. Time-dependent normal form theory for multidimensional Langevin equation’, Journal of Chemical Physics, 131 : 224505-11pages (2009)
- Chun Biu Li, Haw Yang, and Tamiki Komatsuzaki ‘Multiscale Complex Network of Protein Conformational Fluctuation Buried in Single Molecule Time Series’ Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA,105, 536-541 (2008).
- 小松崎民樹「1分子時系列情報から読み解く生体分子系の状態遷移」 日本生物物理学会誌 生物物理 (2008)(invited)
- 松永康佑・小松崎民樹「高分子とカオス-異常拡散と階層的規則性-」日本高分子学会誌 高分子 57(2),58-61 (2008)(invited)
- Akinori Baba and Tamiki Komatsuzaki ‘Construction of effective free energy landscape from single molecule time series’ Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 104(49),19297-19302 (2007)
- Yasuhiro Matsunaga, Chun Biu Li, and Tamiki Komatsuzaki ‘Anomalous Diffusion in Folding Dynamics on Minimalist Protein Landscape’ Physical Review Letters 99, 238103 (2007).
- Masahito Kinoshita, Kiyoto Kamagata, Akio Maeda, Yuji Goto, Tamiki Komatsuzaki and Satoshi Takahashi ‘Development of a technique for the investigation of folding dynamics of single proteins for extended time periods’ Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA104, 10453(2007)
- 白川智弘・郡司ぺギオ幸夫・小松崎民樹「惑星科学と非線形科学の接点:化学反応から生物計算まで」日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人 Vol.16.No.4 322-329 (2007) (invited)
- Chun Biu Li, Akira Shojiguchi, Mikito Toda, and Tamiki Komatsuzaki ‘Definability of No-return Transition States in High Energy Regime Above Threshold’ Physical Review Letters 97, 028302-028305 (2006).
- Gareth J. Rylance, Roy L. Johnston, Yasuhiro Matsunaga, Chun Biu Li, Akinori Baba,Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Topographical complexity of multidimensional energy landscapes, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 103, 18551 (2006)
- (Book)”Geometric Structures of Phase Space in Multi-Dimensional Chaos: Applications to Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Complex Systems” Advances in Chemical Physics, 130A and 130B ed. by M. Toda, T. Komatsuzaki, T. Konishi, R. S. Berry and S. A. Rice, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1224 pages (2005).
- Tamiki Komatsuzaki and R. Stephen Berry,’Chemical Reaction Dynamics: Many-Body Chaos and Regularity’ Advances in Chemical Physics 123,79-152, ed. by I. Prigogine and S. A. Rice, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc. (invited) (2002)
- Tamiki Komatsuzaki and R. Stephen Berry ‘Dynamical Hierarchy in Transition States: Why and How Does a System Climb over the Mountain?’ Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 98,7666-7671(2001)
- Tamiki Komatsuzaki and R. Stephen Berry ‘Regularity in Chaotic Reaction Path I: Ar6‘ Journal of Chemical Physics, 110(18), 9160-9173 (1999)
- Tamiki Komatsuzaki and Iwao Ohmine ‘Energetics of Proton Transfer in Liquid Water I; Ab initio Study for Origin of Many-Body Interaction and Potential Energy Surfaces’ Chemical Physics, Special Issue ‘dissipative dynamics’ 180,239-269(1994)
- 全学教育科目「環境と人間:光・バイオ・分子で拓くナノテクノロジー」(分担)
- 基礎化学I
- ナノテクノロジー・ナノサイエンス概論I
- 生命分子科学概論(分担)
- 分子情報解析学特論(分担)
- 生命科学論文購読
- 生命科学実習
- 生命科学研究
- 生命科学特別研究